Sunday, August 28, 2005

Welcome to my store!


I'm beginning to build an online shop for you, dear visitor. You'll find this collection of books, music and film to be eclectic and, perhaps, eccentric. But that's what the ego-trip called blogging is all about. If my obsessions became your obsessions, then we would have world peace.

books, books, books, DEFA, DEFA, DEFA, DEFA, DEFA, DEFA, East Germany, East Germany, East Germany, GDR, GDR, GDR, Kurt Maetzig, Konrad Wolf, Hanns Eisler, Bertolt Brecht, Monty Python, Kim Stanley Robinson, Orson Scott Card, Ursula Le Guin, Robert Charles Wilson, science fiction, science fiction, science fiction, classical music, Berla Bartok, NVA, NVA, NVA, Central Orchestra, Zentrales Orchester der NVA, Gerhard Baumann, Grosser Zapfenstreich, Der grosse Zapfenstreich, Großer Zapfenstreich, Der große Zapfenstreich, der NVA, Volksarmee, Volksmarine, Ernst Busch, Ernst Busch, Ernst Busch, lectionary, lectionary, lectionary, Revised Common Lectionary, Revised Common Lectionary, Revised Common Lectionary, lectionary resources, lectionary resources, lectionary resources, preaching resources, preaching resources, preaching resources, Heidelberg Catechism, Heidelberg Catechism, Heidelberg Catechism, lectionary commentaries, lectionary commentaries, lectionary commentaries, preaching, preaching, preaching, sermon, sermon, sermon, sermons, sermons, sermons, liturgy, liturgy, liturgy, worship, worship, worship, religion, religion, religion, politics, politics, politics, Religious Right, Religious Right, Religious Right, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Pat Robertson, Pat Robertson, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Jerry Falwell, Jerry Falwell, Left Party, Left Party, Left Party, Gregor Gysi, Gregor Gysi, Gregor Gysi, Oskar Lafontaine, Oskar Lafontaine, Oskar Lafontaine, Germany, Germany, Germany, international relations, foreign relations, Andy Lang, Andy Lang, Andy Lang, spirituality, spirituality, spirituality, ethics, ethics, ethics, culture, culture, culture, music, music, music, church, church, church, United Church of Christ, United Church of Christ, United Church of Christ, Episcopal Church, Episcopal Church, Episcopal Church, theology, theology, theology, Karl Barth, Karl Barth, Karl Barth, Confessing Christ, Confessing Church, Confessing Church, Confessing Church, Barmen Declaration, Barmen Declaration, Barmen Declaration, status confessionis, status confessionis, status confessionis, Third Way, Third Way, Third Way, homosexuality, homosexuality, homosexuality, homosexuality, gay, gay, gay theology, gay theology, gay theology, queer theology, queer theology, queer theology, gays and religion, gays in the church, gays in the church, gays in the church, same-sex marriage, same-sex marriage, same-sex marriage, same-sex marriage, same-sex relationships, same-sex unions, bible and homosexuality, bible and homosexuality, bible and homosexuality, gays in ministry, homosexual agenda, gay agenda